Biazet S.A. do not slow down and develops further. Since 2018 we have introduced a new ERP system and improved most of the processes in the organization. We expanded the factory by another 6000 m2, increasing storage and injection moulding space. The customer portfolio has grown by another global brand. 2020 will be equally intense: the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Biazet S.A, 3 large transfer projects, over 165 injection moulds and doubling the number of machines. Two projects come from the household appliances industry, with the third one we are entering a completely new sector. Preparations include investing in new injection moulding machines as well increasing the number of employers.
Wojciech Antkowiak, CEO of Biazet S.A.: “2020 is another challenging year. We are preparing for implementation of 3 large projects, as well as the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the company. We believe that the best is still ahead of us. The whole team works very hard to strengthen the company’s position on the market. “